Student Corner
Dr. Nagendra Swarup
Dr. Nagendra Swarup

Ex-Secretary, Board of Management

Message from the Ex-Secretary

I am very glad to announce that the DAV College website has been updated with a view to providing comprehensive information about the on-going activities in the college. Our site has all the information about the college, and for the first time profiles of teachers have been uploaded, which can be viewed from the respective department’s page. I am sure that it will be useful to students, researchers and collaborators.

Over the years the college has branched out as a reservoir of ideas, which have been harnessed for the development of society and the world. At DAV we strive not only for academic excellence but also for nation building. Upholding the vision of the founders of the college, we do not merely impart knowledge but also stress on character building. Here we imbibe the spirit of acquiring information and working up to the commitment of social change. We also take utmost care to uphold the glorious tradition in all curricular activities. The management is collaborating with teaching faculty and non-teaching staff for the well being of our students and for doing these, the college receives appreciation from all quarters.

We welcome suggestions for the improvement of the site. We also invite all DAVians to join the Alumni Association and further the glorious DAV tradition.

I thank the staff, students and well-wishers for their commitment towards the college. My special thanks to the members of the Web Team for the initiative taken by them to bring up the college Website in its present impressive shape.

Dr. Gauravendra Swarup
Dr. Gauravendra Swarup

Joint Secretary, Board of Management

Message from the Joint Secretary

The Information Communication Technology has brought the entire globe on one platform. Exchanging of Information and expertise has become absolutely essential for the actualization of the goals in higher education. The DAV College website is an honest attempt at providing essential information with a view to bridging the gulfs in higher education. The Vision of the College is Leadership through Excellence in Education. This vision can only be realised if there is a well articulate strategic plan that guides the college as to where it is coming from, where it is now, where it is going, why it is going and how it will arrive there. The college will soon be inviting its stakeholders to make contributions to the process of taking the college to the new heights.

It is my pleasure to report that the college has taken all necessary steps to achieve its desired goal of excellence in higher education. We believe this development will go a long way towards enhancing the endeavours of the college to retain its high quality and calibre, and also to deliver on its mandate. It is also heartening to hear that the college is constantly striving to prove itself an asset for higher education by ensuring all round development of the students.

We welcome suggestions for the improvement of the site. We also invite all DAVians to join the Alumni Association and further the glorious DAV tradition.

The college website, I am sure, shall prove to be useful to all quarters of the academia by catering to the academic needs of prospective students and by functioning as a bridge between the stakeholders and the society.

Smt. Kumkum Swarup
Smt. Kumkum Swarup

Senior Member, Board of Management

Message from the Joint Secretary

भूमण्डलीकरण के युग में वेब साइट हमारे जीवन का अभिन्न अंग है। वेब साइट की उपयोगिता निरन्तर बढ़ रही है। वेब साइट से छात्र-छात्राओं व युवा वर्ग को शिक्षा, सूचना, कैरियर मार्ग दर्शन में नई गति, नई स्फूर्ति व नई ऊर्जा प्रदान होती है। ऐसे अहम दौर में डी0ए-वी0 कालेज, कानपुर की वेब साइट बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है।

वेब साइट किसी भी संस्था का दर्पण है। उसे देख कर संस्था के बारे में जाना जा सकता है, परन्तु इसकी सार्थकता तभी सम्भव है जब उसे अपडेट रखा जाये। सभी जानकारियां, सूचनायें, प्रपत्र, पत्राचार आदि पूर्ण व सही हो। शासन, उच्च शिक्षा विभाग, विश्वविद्यालय, शिक्षकों, छात्र-छात्राओं व आम जन को आवश्यक जानकारियॉ सहज रुप में सुलभ हों और वह इससे अपना जुडाव महसूस करें। बहुधा प्रतिस्पर्धा, उत्साह, जोश, मानक में वेब साइट लॉच की जाती है, उसके प्रति लगाव प्रदर्शित किया जाता है और उसे बेहतर बनाने की होड़ रहती है किन्तु कुछ समय बाद वह मात्र औपचारिक बन कर रह जाती है। विशेष अवसरो – जैसे प्रवेश व परीक्षा के समय ही उसे अपडेट किया जाता है। इतना ही नही कालेज के इतिहास, गौरव, गरिमा, छात्र-छात्राओं के पाठयक्रमों, पठन-पाठन, शैक्षिक कलैण्डरो आदि के सम्बन्ध में अपूर्णता होने पर सवालिया निशान तो लगते ही हैं, ऐसी वेब साइट निरर्थक एवं अनुपयोगी हो जाती है।

मुझे प्राचार्य एवं प्राध्यापको की कार्य क्षमता, योग्यता, प्रतिभा, कर्मठता व दूरदर्शिता पर पूरा भरोसा हैं। ऐसे सक्षम व सबल हाथो से यह वेब साइट अध्ययन, अध्यापन, शोध, कैरियर में वरदान सिद्ध होगी, ऐसा मेरा विश्वास है।

सदभावनाओं सहित।

Prof. Arun Kumar Dixit
Prof. Arun Kumar Dixit

Principal, DAV College

Message from the Pincipal

I heartily welcome all to the revamped version of the college website. I would take the moment as an opportunity to share my views with all stakeholders.

More than a century has passed since the inception of the college. All through these years, the nascent seedlings of an academic vision have grown into a full-fledged orchard of excellence attracting knowledge seekers from length and breadth of the country. By adopting a non-discriminatory approach in imparting quality education to all, irrespective of class, creed, and religion, the college has lived up to its exalted founding ideals.

The college has had many trysts with travails and tribulations which are inevitable ingredients along the tortuous journey to excellence and preeminence in the field of academics. The college not only shouldered the students in carving fruitful academic careers, it served as the fulcrum for breeding nationalism and patriotic fervour during country's national movement for freedom. Under the leadership of the great Chandra Shekhar Azad, thousands of revolutionary freedom fighters frequented the college premises and its adjoining students hostel to clandestinely plan and execute their revolutionary movements. The college takes immense pride in having played host to the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi, during his visit to the city in 1928, an event that has been recorded in gold letters in the glittering annals of the college.  Students aspiring to be the part of this glorious college must nurture in their hearts the pride of a glorious past paving the foundation of the sizzling present to leap together into the future of preeminent glory and excellence.

The college has been established upon the ideals of Swami Dayanand Saraswati, who preached that the essence of enlightenment lies in holistic education. The college has remained true to these ideals by inculcating in students highest values and best practices. Continuing the exalted tradition of catering to changing needs of the students, I would use the moment to announce that the college has plans to start zero classes for aspirational mentoring for various competitive exams outside the regular course curriculum wherein spirited and erudite faculties of the college shall be volunteering their services to leverage the competitive pursuits of the aspirants. With this program of zero classes for aspirational mentoring, we will be providing a superior alternative to poor students who can't afford quality coaching classes, all that for no cost. 

I would finally use this moment to humbly express my heartfelt gratitude to all the alumni of our heritage college, the stakeholders and all those associated with the college for furthering its glorious tradition in the field of academics and keeping it alive and throbbing.

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